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Many blessings, my name is Audrey a BlueRay Angelic.
The Divine Mother has returned. We have been entrusted as her pillars of light and to assist ALL who desire to walk on the New Earth 5D Consciousness Timeline of Unity and Oneness.
The energy healing systems and teachings are technologies of the heart that are fully present at this time, coming in through The GODHEAD and through the Divine Feminine Teachings of the Holy Mother principle, Magdala, supporting us in Co-Creating our lives based on the 144 Qualities of Divine Love, filled with Peace, Abundance, Perfect Health, and Prosperity.
I offer something for everyone whether you are new to this work or you are on the advanced path on your spiritual journey. I specialize in many forms of Energy Healing, Spiritual Empowerment, and Development.
I offer personalized healing, and each session supports each person in alchemizing emotional wounding, disturbances, and imbalances. Clearing, healing, alchemizing and awakening.
We work together with the highest integrity. Each session is individually tailored and designed to work on many levels of your multidimensional self, allowing you to experience transformation and expansion in all these areas of your life.
I serve as a “Multi-Dimensional” Healer/Facilitator, and Ascension Guide.
I am the founder and creator of Blue Soul Rising Healing and Divine Sparks of Light showcasing celestial and multidimensional jewelry, a sacred emanation of DIVINE LOVE, artist/writer and poet. Co-Creator & Ascension Host of The Temple of the Magdalene Podcast with Stellar Fairborn @Stellar Ascension Academy, Co-Creator and host of Healing & Ascension Temple for Animals Podcast with Jilly Warcus, and Co-Host of Templo De Magdalena Podcast en Español with Ligia Grande.
I serve as a Divine Sovereign and Sacred Space Holder of The Divine as a Mentor of LOVE, offering many forms of Spiritual Energy Healing Modalities, Technologies, and Frequencies. My specialties are Spiritual Guidance/Mentorships and teachings, from Energy Healing to advanced teachings on Ascension Mechanics, The Teachings of Magdalene, and Spiritual Sovereignty.
BIO: Audrey had her awakening and began her practice back in 2014 and earned her degrees in the healing arts. She holds a Bachelor’s in Spiritual Healing and Leadership. She holds certifications as a White Flame Energy Facilitator/Teacher, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, Certified Holy order of Mother of Dragons Frequencies, Rose Mysteries Priestess, Nutritionist, Multi-dimensional Artist, Poet, Writer, Sacred Songstress/Priestess. She holds the archetypes and soul essence and lineages are that of the Divine Feminine Creatrix,-Magdalene Krystos Sophia, Order of the Cosmic Red, Blue, and Diamond Rose Lineages, with the Emanations of White Calf Buffalo Woman, Aquaelle and Kuan Yin, a Blue Ray Angelic Starseed, of the Emerald Order holding and anchoring the emanation of the Divine Mother through the Blue Arch Pillars of her LOVE.
She works with a myriad of emissaries of Unity and oneness such as the Councils and Ambassadors of Light, Emerald Order, Cosmic Mother of Cetaceans Collective, Solar Dragon Reishis, Cosmic White Lion Collective, Holy Divine Mother Father GOD, Mary Magdalene, the Angelics, Mother Mary, and Galactics to name a few.
Her advanced accreditation, worldly experience, Spiritual gifts, training, and in-depth knowledge of myriad modalities in the healing arts have allowed Audrey to create a unique, powerful and effective approach to healing.
Her multidimensional jewelry creations can be found exclusively @
Her celestial poetry can be found @
The Temple of the Magdalen Podcast @
Healing & Ascension Temple for Animals Podcast
Before her awakening, she worked in Corporate America as VP Regional Sales and Marketing Manager Ad Executive for
one of the top Hispanic Radio Rep firms for over 12 years.
She offers many mentorship and teaching opportunities to those who seek answers and those who desire to live in harmony. One of her passions is to empower those who seek to know who they truly are.
Her healing style is grounded, real, and authentic. It is frequency-based emanations of Celestial Divine Love, bringing you back to Oneness, and filled with infinite LOVE ❤️
The Ultimate goal is to assist YOU to return to your natural state of Universal Flow of Joy, Happiness, LOVE, and Abundance.
Let the miracles begin!!!
Like many LIghtworkers and healers, I was first introduced to Reiki as a healing modality. I was introduced to Reiki back in 2008 and then had my first session in 2013. For me, it was a wonderful experience, and It was the very thing my soul wanted and needed.
After this experience, I had an instant knowing as well that I was to become a healer and assist others. I immediately became attuned and went through all my training and initiations and became a Reiki Master it was the first and only modality I offered for many years, and I am so grateful for its gift.
At some point in our evolution, a healer goes through many initiations, frequency changes, and advancements. You begin to access more of our multi-dimensional aspects and stations of identities, our monadic expressions. Other gifts and talents become enhanced and awakened because that’s who we really are. You are breaking through all the glass ceilings. You begin to realize that WE are so much more powerful, magical, and capable of things outside of ourselves, and the only way you can access these healing technologies is through our heart.
We here in the linear like to label stuff to make sense of it, and that’s ok. This is why if we have to label the highest, purest, divine love frequency available to us through our heart, it is The White Flame Technology. Because that’s what it is, and when you can access this band of healing technology, that’s all that is needed, and when someone is ready to receive it fully, miracles are available to them.
Earth has gone through many shifts in energetics as well and has had an evolutionary shift in frequencies and technologies we have available now beyond the mind’s comprehension.
We are at a pivotal time to make extraordinary shifts in our lives; it's about opening ourselves to frequencies and technologies of OMNI LOVE, SO GREAT AND PROFOUND than what we may believe or simply known before. We are now in a phase of evolution and consciousness where we have access to this technology is LOVE, straight from the GODHEAD and it is an honor to offer this frequency to all.
My mission and life work is dedicated to the Spiritual Sovereignty and Evolution of Humanity. Here to assist Mother Earth in her ascension and healing.
All my work is to assist you ALL in remembering that we are all ONE and are so interconnected and there is NO separation. It is imperative, that we learn to view one another as US and learn to reconnect back to the ways of NATURE.
Learn to be in our hearts, to learn to access this wisdom so we can evolve. To have peace in our hearts and minds, to be the change you want to see in this world.
This world IS our making. life is a reflection of our thoughts, actions, or lack of action. It all begins with us, it is an inner journey. If your heart is closed you only create chaos, drama, illness, and separation and will miss out on all that you desire. To heal all separation we must heal ourselves.
Let me assist you in becoming a Divine Sovereign, NOT a victim to others or circumstances, so you can be the co-creator in partnership with SOURCE of your life.
I came into this world semi-awake into a very polarized unawakened family unit. I left home at the very young age of 16 searching for a home. I was a roamer as many Starseeds are searching for a feeling of home, unbeknownst to us that it would not be until you become fully awakened you would understand that longing.
I had my awakening in 2014, which led me to Reiki. I had one session and it was an instant flip of the switch for me, I understood what I was meant to do and have not looked back since.
I immersed myself in learning all I could get my hands on about the world of energy work. Always searching, but this searching was always outside me and it always left me feeling unsatisfied, It was as if my soul knew there was something else and I could feel this part of me missing. I began working full-time as an energy healer right out of the gate and began my practice in 2014. It was amazing to be able to follow my dreams and my practice began to thrive as I evolved spiritually as well.
By 2017 I had a thriving stand-alone office with other healers working alongside me and I was in the process of expanding even more when I had an initiation into higher mastery.
On February 2, 2018, my world changed in a matter of seconds. I went to bed the previous nite along with my husband of 12 years and woke up to another reality. I woke up to a suicide note. My beloved husband was gone just like that, in a matter of minutes my entire world changed. I lost my husband, my thriving practice, and life as I knew it to be then. No warning signs, no heads up…. nothing to prepare you for this type of trauma. This was an initiation into mastery…..
In 2019 I began to rebuild my life once again and began anew. Then once more, another level of mastery…. let’s add planetary ascension to that too…. 😂 This plandemic, which has changed the landscape of the seeming ordinary life.
Like everyone else, we had to think on our feet and re-invent ourselves.. and out of that Divine Sparks of Light was born. In this rebirth I was able to tap into my guidance on how to maneuver through these challenges, and this only comes when you are living in complete surrender to the divine plan and have communion with your higher aspect.
It was during this time, I had the privilege of finding and began my mentorship with Stellar Fairbairn and John her divine counterpart @ Stellar Ascension Academy -2020. It was through their teachings, emanations, and guidance that I began to really inner-stand who I truly was and why I am here. Their work is that of TRUE ascension and assists those who desire to live in Harmony, a world of Divine Community based on the 144 Qualities of Divine LOVE, in service to the Law of One.
I immediately began to see all the false white light teachings about ascension that most get caught up in with all the inverted misconceptions that we unknowingly accept as truth and I was able to release contracts that held me bound to illusions of this 3D world.
Mastery requires dedication, devotion, and complete authenticity, which requires you to take ownership of everything and it’s an unlearning process of the false, the lower ego filters and so much more. I had to endure many more dark nights of the soul that required me to dig really deep to get myself out of many many rabbit holes of the deepest darkest, scariest, and ugliest places which made me confront some of my biggest fears. All a while remembering who I was and always lovingly held by their presence.and unconditional LOVE I used all the skills I had learned, allowing my heart to be my guide, diving for light in these darkest places of my mind, addressing and healing my core wounds while holding onto what little LOVE I could muster during those times. I also had to remember that I was not alone. I knew that I was lovingly held and protected by the Divine and I just had to allow that Love in.
I won’t sugarcoat it, True ascension is ugly and difficult, but with TRUE LIGHT at the end of the tunnel… no more lies, deceptions, illusions… Through these teachings, you will begin to comprehend and recognize consciousness traps that keep you in victim-victimizer modes, mental and lower egoistic constructs that keep us in mental bondage and patterns of fear, scarcity, self-sabotage, and suffering, far from what is your highest version of yourself. Life in the New Earth 8D GAIA-SOPHIA.. a world of plenty, beauty, magic, remembrance of all that you are, which is DIVINE perfection, an embodiment of LOVE, a walking Krystos/Kryst… the one you have been waiting for!!!
All you have to do is survive yourself…. As John says.
I share my story so you know that you are not alone on this journey. There are angels amongst you, here to assist you no matter where you are on your path, many teachings, support, and guidance to assist you along the way.
We are ALL here to assist you, to walk alongside you on your journey of RE-UNIFICATION. YOU do not walk alone…
Little fun tidbits about me… I was born in Los Angeles (the city of ANGELS) CA, and my biological father’s first name was Angel, and his last name was Martinez which means not of this world, My mother almost named me Violet her name was Ana Maria.
And I now joyfully send you ALL much Aloha from the beautiful islands of Hawaii, which my fur baby and I now call home. The islands have always held a very special place in my heart for this is where my husband and I wed and honeymooned back in 2008, it was a place we came to often and where we dreamt of living one day. So I am beyond grateful to be living out one of my other dreams and my beloved watching over us from Heaven.
ALL TRUE.. truly amazing.
With all my LOVE... Audrey (Anela) & Kitty 🐱
Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. We are the lost ray of the Light Worker. We have a special connection to the sacred divine feminine and Codes of Creation. This is one of our main connections, through our ascension, and is the way of the Mother Frequency.
Blue Rays are the teacher of the teachers – most of us have walked very difficult, heart-wrenching paths of a lot of pain to be able to be fully present with the pain of another and have it lift and lighten through our capacity to hold a huge space of love with healing intentions. Blue Rays are the Light Holders, Light Showers, that hold the Light pillars inside our bodies.
We are strongly intuitive, excellent channels and are bringing through now a much purer path of speaking to the souls of another – we are dimensionally accessing the energetic ‘soul strands’. Blue Ray Beings use their Auric Energy of the White & Violet Fire to clear away the Karmic Block, the Energetic Imprints, and Frequencies of Limitations that are no longer needed to assist in the evolution of mankind.