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All my sessions are done via Zoom and remotely. Once your session is booked you will receive your Zoom link along with instructions.
No need to worry or stress about anything we (my angels and celestial guides) do all the work in the background and you are lovely held in the cosmic temples of LOVE, safe, nurtured, and contained.
All my sessions are infused with the Holy Mother White Flame Healing Technologies and with the Divine Cosmic Universal Mother energies and their technologies.
You will find that along with the desired healing and clearing, each session will increase your intuition, and enhance your connection to your higher self and heart.
If you have any questions about our services please feel free to reach out via email, text, or chat box. I will respond to you ASAP, please note I am in the HST time zone so you may experience a short time delay in my response.
Much LOVE and Aloha 🌹🌺🪷
Surprise your loved ones with a Blue Soul Rising gift certificate. Let them experience the magic of Reiki!
Please use our scheduling links to schedule ALL appointments.
We look forward to seeing you.
Today | By Appointment |
As of late I have been feeling so wobbly, dizzy and bit nauseous because of the energies and felt I needed to get out. So another celestial Sistar and I went off for one of our regular walks and went to a spot where we can do some beach combing looking for cowrie shells. It’s pretty much a pier where the tides come and go and it’s all coral bed, solid, jagged and rocky. It happened to be low tide so I’m looking in the pools of water and spot a very shiny white shell and I have to maneuver a bit to get down to get her.. and yup you guessed it I lost my footing and went down in a flash. As I was falling I reached out with my left hand to catch my fall and hit the jagged coral with my left hand then forearm then lastly my bottom. I felt excruciating pain from the impact run up all the way to my shoulder 😣 and I sat there for a second in bewilderment with my butt in the pool of water, assessing the damage. I got up and I immediately knew that I hadn’t broken my any bones and immediately began running the white flame healing frequencies on myself as I maneuvered over to where my Hulakai (celestial sistar that is certified as a WFH) was and asked her to start running the white flame as well. I felt the shock of this run through my body and then I knew I had to find a place to sit, we sat there for a couple of minutes running healing frequencies and I thought I was ok, I was joking and laughing at myself and then I got up and my head started to spin, heart racing, hot and felt sick as I was about to pass out, I found a rock to sit on and asked Hulakai please keep running the white flame because I’m about to throw up, I’m seeing lights, and the pain is intense and all I wanted to do was lay down, mind you there is no place to lay down…It’s all coral, sand and rock, no shade… and at that point I just called in my angels 😇 and ran more healing codes telling myself nope get it together and it’s all perfect. So there we are sitting on a bed of coral 🪸 both calm and collected running the white flame for about 5 mins or so and then I was all good.. literally about 15 - 20 mins total. We started our walk back to the park went into the bathroom and splashed water on my self, composed and the pain wasn’t as bad any more and we went and finished some of errands. I used arnica cream and some arnica pills for pain as I wasn’t sure what the night was going to be, so I also sang light healing codes along with running more white flame healing. I slept ok, but the next morning I was just a little sore with a minor bruise and today 4/24/24 I am doing great and no pain whatsoever. Woohoo 🎉
Absolutely amazing, and this is just one story of the incredible healing experience from using the white flame and I feel so blessed to not only experience healing for myself but also assist others.
We look forward to assisting you…
This work does not constitute medical treatment but rather a tool for personal growth development. We assist in correcting energetic imbalances in your field, which then stimulates and persuades your body to release its innate healing ability.
ALL Healing is self healing.
The Sessions are not intended to treat or cure any disease, nor should any of the subject matter presented on this website are to be taken as medical advice. Although the support included on this website may contribute to self empowerment, no claims whatsoever including health related claims are intended, expressed or implied.
These products and services are not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment.
This work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment and we do not accept HSA or Insurance.